

The Gran Canaria Swimwear Fashion Week is presented in Berlin with an unprecedented international promotion action.


  • On March 14, the Department of Industry, in collaboration with the Tourism Department, has prepared a trade mission with members of the German fashion business sector -tour operators- and the media.
  • Seven local designers will travel with pieces from their collections; in addition, a Fashion Film shot on the island will be screened.
  • The Councilor of Industry will hold meetings in Berlin with different European fashion entities to reach collaboration agreements that will allow to continue internationalizing the Gran Canaria catwalk.

On the 14th of March in an industrial building in Berlin called VON GREIFSWALD, typical of the area, with many windows and high wooden ceilings, members of the tourism business sector (tour operators), fashion and German media will attend the promotional event of the Gran Canaria Swimwear Fashion Week, which will open one of the most important events on the continent, the Berlin Fashion Week, with an unprecedented promotional event as part of the internationalisation strategy of the Gran Canarian catwalk, according to the president of the Cabildo, Antonio Morales.


The Department of Industry, responsible for the Moda Cálida programme, has prepared, in collaboration with the Department of Tourism and with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a trade mission consisting, on the one hand, of this event on the 14th, a true immersion in the climate, the landscapes and, of course, the fashion of Gran Canaria, which will consist of a large installation with natural elements such as sand, plants, water and sun, and seven other installations or islands with clothes by the participating designers - from Aurelia Gil, to Maldito Sweet, Nuria González, Como la Trucha al Trucho, Chela Clo, Elena Morales and Pedro Palmas.


The challenge for the Cabildo, according to Morales, is to integrate high-quality, sustainable, handcrafted swimwear produced in small workshops as a sign of identity and as an added value to the destination, "so that visitors not only enjoy their stay with a swimming costume from Gran Canaria Moda Cálida but also take it home as a souvenir", she added.


For this reason, now that the Swimwear Fashion Week is already a national reference, the aim is to join forces and wills to put the island and Gran Canaria fashion on the European map. And one way to achieve this is to participate in the most important initiative of the textile sector in Germany, promoted by the Government and City Council of Berlin and the Fashion Council Germany (an entity that brings together the German fashion sector), with this event Gran Canaria Swim Week at Berlin Fashion Week, in which attendees will find this great installation, with garments hanging from the ceiling and a space for each designer where their biography will be briefly explained. In addition, a short fashion film made in Gran Canaria at the beginning of January with clothes by seven designers from Gran Canaria and Germany will be shown, while the photos from the same occasion will form part of a coffetable book, which will be given to each of the guests.


In addition, on the 15th, several workshops will be held in which the Gran Canarian designers will receive training on the European market, and learn more about how sales, distribution and public relations work.

At the same time, a series of fundamental meetings will take place as part of this trade mission, as explained by the Director General of Industry, Juan Manuel Gabella, such as those to be held by the Councillor for Industry, Minerva Alonso, with entities from different European countries to reach collaboration agreements so that Gran Canarian designers can participate in the different fashion events taking place in Europe and, in turn, so that the Gran Canarian catwalk becomes the great reference point for swimwear fashion for all European designers.

According to Gabella, the expectation that all this work is generating in Germany is great, and there are already many publications echoing the event, the designers have received requests to send some of their garments and the list of attendees includes the most prestigious specialised media and the most powerful companies in the sector, both textile and tourism.

Collaboration with the area of Tourism, as the general director pointed out, is fundamental. In this regard, the councillor responsible, Carlos Álamo, added that his department understands that it is "a highly valuable promotional action on a very powerful stage in our main market, such as Germany and the Berlin Fashion Week, and with a showcase of our main attributes and values as a sun and beach destination. Because that week both the Moda Cálida designs and the destination itself and our tourism offer will be present," he explained.

"In Gran Canaria Tourism we know that our first product is linked to the sun and the beach, but we also deeply believe that all professionals - farmers, artisans, chefs and workers in many other specialties - of the island have much to contribute to tourism excellence and promotion, because it is the tourists themselves who demand it", added the Minister, for whom this is "a way of distributing the resources and income generated by the tourist industry a little better, especially when most of these bathing and beach products have all the flavour and inspiration of our privileged coastline", he said.
